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The Selectboard meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6:00 pm. The exception to the first and third Mondays are during the month of January in which we meet every Monday to work on budgets for the year. The Select Board is at the center of Vermont’s local government. It is the body that has general supervision and control over the affairs of the town. 24 V.S.A. §872. The Select Board performs three functions: legislative (enacts local ordinances, regulations, and policies); administrative (prepares and presents the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises personnel and controls town buildings and property); and quasi-judicial (determines private rights in such areas as laying out, discontinuing and reclassifying highways and hearing appeals as the local board of health and as the local liquor control commission).


Dean Wright Chair - 2026
Pierre Letourneau Vice Chair - 2028
Jessica Eagles - 2026
Larry Gervais - 2027
Nick Aldrich - 2027


Entouré de montagnes, de rivières et de sentiers, Enosburgh allie opportunité économique et charme des petites villes du Vermont. Enosburgh reste une communauté pittoresque du Vermont avec une histoire profonde dans le secteur laitier et agricole. Au cours des dernières années, la communauté s'est mobilisée pour stimuler activement le développement communautaire et économique, en voyant une quantité passionnante d'initiatives d'amélioration et de nouvelles affaires.


T: 802-933-4421


© 2021 - Ville d'Enosburgh

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