List of Community Service Resources
3SquaresVT - Helps Vermonters who meet certain guidelines to stretch their food budgets so they can buy more and better food and put three square meals a day on their tables.
Free and Reduced School Snacks and Meals - Applications for free and reduced school lunches may be filed with the school. Only one application is needed per family. Children whose parents receive 3SquaresVT or Reach-Up are automatically eligible.
Enosburg Food Shelf - Corner of Main and Missisquoi St., Enosburg, VT (802) 330-7623 Hours: Thurs. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Martha’s Community Kitchen - A soup kitchen providing breakfast and lunch to residents of St. Albans and surrounding towns. Grab and go meals are also available for those needing a meal later in the day. Open Monday to Friday.
Meals on Wheels - Nutritious meals delivered by community volunteers to the homes of seniors and those with disabilities. To sign up call the numbers above.
Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - WIC offers a monthly benefit to new mothers and their children with which they may purchase healthy foods. In addition, WIC offers breastfeeding support and nutrition classes. To apply, contact the Dept. of Health office in St. Albans by calling 888-253-8801​
Early Childhood Resource Team The Family Center - Provides information and referrals for those seeking childcare, as well as financial assistance. Also provides support and training for childcare providers.
Champlain Valley Head Start - Champlain Valley Head Start (CVHS) serves pregnant women, children ages birth to five years, and their families. CVHS offers preschool and childcare to eligible families, in three locations throughout Franklin and Grand Isle counties, as well as a home-visiting option.
Y’s Time Children’s Center - Quality program for children ages 12 mo. - 5 yrs.; fostering social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative development through enriching experiences and positive relationships.
Franklin-Grand Isle Community Action - Volunteers build houses for those in need. For family referral, call 849-6146. Accepting donations of building materials and household items.
Vermont State Housing Authority - VSHA administers Section 8 housing vouchers in Franklin County, as well as a homeownership program. VSHA also manages affordable housing itself and offers information for tenants.
Habitat for Humanity, Franklin Grand Isle Chapter - Volunteers builds houses for those in need. For family referral, call 849-6146. Accepting donations of building materials and household items.
Homeshare Vermont - A home-sharing/caregiving matching program that helps make it possible for the elderly and people with disabilities to remain in their own homes by bringing them together with persons who seek affordable housing and/or caregiving opportunities
Champlain Housing Trust - Champlain Housing Trust manages several affordable housing projects in the region, while also administering programs for first-time home buyers and for low-income homeowners who need to make repairs to their homes, including classes on budgeting and saving.
Tim’s House - A homeless shelter that provides temporary emergency shelter and transitional housing for men, women, and families in Franklin and Grand Isle counties. (802) 527-0847
Vermont Housing Finance Agency - Vermont Housing Finance Agency offers low-cost homeownership mortgage products to qualified Vermont home buyers, makes loans, and issues housing tax credits for nonprofit and for-profit developers to create and preserve affordable rental housing and supports a number of other initiatives that address a wide spectrum of housing needs in Vermont.
Financial Help
CVOEO Financial Futures - The Financial Futures Program helps people to learn, earn, save, and own. Their services are free of charge to low and moderate-income Vermonters and include one-on-one financial coaching and workshops.
LiHEAP - LiHeap is a federal program administered by the State of Vermont that assists households earning less than 185 percent of the federal poverty line with paying for heat. Both renters and homeowners are eligible, regardless of other assets.
Green Mountain Power’s Energy Assistance - Residential customers of Green Mountain Power earning less than 150 percent of the federal poverty limit are eligible for 25 percent off their first 600 kilowatts of electricity each month.
Emergency and Crisis Fuel Assistance - Those facing an imminent loss of heat, electricity, or phone service should contact Franklin-Grand Isle Community Action which administers programs offering emergency aid with utility bills.
Age Well - Age Well’s State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) provides information, assistance, and support to Medicare beneficiaries who need help selecting or managing public and/or private health insurance benefits.
Green Mountain Care - Includes existing programs such as Dr. Dynasaur, Vermont Health Access Plan (VHAP), Medicaid, and Prescription Assistance, as well as the Catamount Health program.
Health Care Advocate Project - Advocates for individual Vermonters with health care and health insurance issues.
Ladies First Program - Pays for mammograms, Pap tests, and screening for cholesterol and blood pressure for women with limited income who are: VT residents, age 40+, or 21-39 with breast symptoms or abnormal Pap tests (women 21-39 are eligible for breast and cervical services only).
Northwestern Medical Center Patient Financial Services - provides financial assistance programs for patients. Financial assistance applications are available at any registration area or from our Financial Counselor located at the front of the hospital.
Vermont Legal Aid - A legal services organization that provides legal information and services to low-income, elderly, and individuals with disabilities throughout Vermont. Assistance is offered to eligible Vermont residents in areas of disability, domestic violence, health care, housing, public assistance, and individual rights.
Vermont Office of Child Support - Part of the VT Agency of Human Services, the Office of Child Support assists custodial parents with insuring child care payments are made.
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) - A public nonprofit agency serving Vermont that provides Vermont’s 529 College Savings Plan; career and education planning; and education grants, scholarships, and loans. Assistance is available for both degree and non-degree programs.
St. Albans Career Resource Center - The career centers have computers where job seekers may access the Internet, educational resources, information on employers, and more. The centers are equipped with assistive technology for individuals with disabilities.
Vermont Job Link - Operated by the Vermont Dept. of Labor, Vermont Job Link contains a database of jobs available throughout the state. Job seekers are also able to post their resumes online for potential employers to review. There is also information on job training opportunities, including apprenticeship programs in skilled trades such as electricians.
Pathstone - Assists farmworkers by paying the cost of occupational skills training that will lead to a higher paying job, preferably on the farm, or in a field of the worker’s choice. We can also assist farm owners by paying the cost of training for a member of their workforce.
Vermont Works For Women - An educational and advocacy organization that trains, educates, supports, and advocates for women and girls in Vermont exploring or pursuing opportunities in the skilled trades, technical, and other non-traditional fields.
Northwest Technical Center - The center offers 11 daytime programs and almost 100 adult evening programs.
Center for Women & Enterprise - Funded in part by the Small Business Administration, CWE supports women who are interested in starting or expanding a small business.
VocRehab Vermont - Part of the Agency of Human Services, VocRehab assists those with disabilities with finding a job as well as job training.
Vermont Associates for Training and Development - Vermont Associates for Training and Development is a senior employment organization that provides self-assessment, skills training, and job search aid for Vermonters 55 years and older.
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps - A non-profit service, conservation, and education organization. Each year, the Corps hires over 300 young people between the ages of 16 and 24 to build trails, restore rivers and streams, and improve community green spaces.
Addiction & Recovery
Turning Point of Franklin County - A community center for people in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse, addiction, and addictive behaviors. Turning Point provides a safe, substance-free environment populated by people in recovery who offer peer support at no cost.
BAART St. Albans - BAART provides addiction treatment services.
NOTCH - The Northern Tiers Centers for Health offers outpatient addiction treatment here in Franklin County. For more, call their main number at (802) 255-5560.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a self-help organization that follows the 12-step model in support groups for people in recovery from alcohol abuse.
Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Services - Mental health, substance abuse, and special education services for teens and families.
Friends of Recovery VT - Promotes the power of recovery from addictions to improve the quality of life and health for Vermonters. Statewide advocacy and education organization for those in recovery from substance abuse and mental health issues and their families
Howard Center Substance Abuse Services - Provides information about meeting times and places for NA meetings, a 12-step support group for men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem.
Northwestern Partners in Hope and Recovery - Addiction care and counseling with individualized treatment plans.
Phoenix Houses of New England - A non-profit drug abuse and treatment organization, serving Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, and Rhode Island. Programs for Vermont residents include residential treatment for adults and a transitional program.
Brattleboro Retreat - A not-for-profit, regional specialty psychiatric hospital and addictions treatment center that serves Vermont and the surrounding region with diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation services.
Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition - A peer-run advocacy organization that provides educational and support services to reduce drug-related harm throughout Vermont. Services include peer advocacy and case management, support groups, and assistance in accessing treatment and community services
Good News Garage Vermont - A community garage that accepts donated vehicles, repairs them, and passes them on at low cost to qualified low-income individuals in Vermont.
Green Mountain Transit - GMT provides public transit on multiple bus routes connecting Franklin County residents to work, shopping and essential services. For a schedule visit its website. Rides to medical appointments and other locations may be arranged in advance for the elderly and those with disabilities by calling the number above.
Franklin County Senior Center - Community-based center available for all senior citizens regardless of income. Offers a wide range of activities from card games to fitness classes. Also provides free and low-cost meals for seniors every Wednesday and Thursday.
Foster Grandparent Program, Franklin/Grand Isle - Income-eligible adults, age 60 and over, serve as volunteers with special needs children. Volunteers serve between 15-40 hours/week and receive a tax-free stipend.
Bone Builders - Classes are free and offered in multiple locations
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - The White River Junction Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center and Regional Office of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, serves eligible veterans throughout Vermont with health care, research, and educational services.
Veterans Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255, Press 1, Local assistance is also available 24 hours a day at (802)-524-6554.
National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-8255
Healthy Roots Collaborative - The purpose of Healthy Roots is to connect local residents to healthy local food. To that end, they offer cooking classes, maintain lists of local food providers, and run a gleaning program that takes gathers food left on fields at the end of the season for donation to local food shelves.
Human Rights Commission - The Human Rights Commission investigates complaints of discrimination in schools, businesses, government agencies, and other places providing goods and services to the general public.
Franklin County Animal Rescue - The Franklin County Animal Rescue promotes the health and humane treatment of animals in northwestern Vermont through outreach and temporary shelter “with the ultimate goal of finding them good, permanent homes.” FCAR shelters both dogs and cats.